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Fathers Toyota Sienna Rear Ended Southern California

Uploaded by tusan998 on July 24, 2012 08:40 AM

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TEXT AS RECEIVED BY EMAIL-------------------------------------------These are photos of an accident with my father's Toyota Sienna. The accident occurred in late February in Southern California. I was not involved.My father was driving back from Norco with my sister and her friend from a horse-riding competition. The Sienna is modified to allow our disabled cousin to sit with his wheelchair in the car, so the center seats are removed and my sister and her friend (both 16) had to ride in the back seats. They were traveling on the freeway when traffic was slowing down to a crawl. An elderly man driving a truck (not pictured, I'm not sure of the model) was unfamiliar with the area and was watching the road signs, failing to notice the slow down ahead. He rear-ended my father's car at around 55-65 mph, totaling both vehicles. After the rest of my family got notice of the accident, they had me stay to watch the home while they went to the hospital. Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt. The elderly man walked away from the accident. My father suffered some bruises from the seat belt. For a little while my sister was a concern as she'd been knocked out for a few seconds from the spare tire in the back and couldn't recall anything of the accident except waking up next to the EMT. X-rays and scans later confirmed she'd be fine, but left with some bad headaches for the next few weeks. Her friend only suffered a sprang ankle. My father could tell the older man felt great guilt at the scene and didn't press any charges, and overall everything turned out to be okay.

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