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My Accident 5 years ago

Uploaded by dira9999 on July 21, 2012 15:31 PM

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October twelfth is one of those days that I will never forget. Five years ago today, I was in a car accident along with my daughter (Aubrey) and her friend (Avery) after I had picked them up from Kindergarten. Short story is, we were t-boned. Aubrey and I were life-flighted to downtown hospitals, Avery was sent by ambulance to a local hospital. Aubrey had a concussion and spent the night in the hospital. I had multiple broken bones and several surgeries and spent a month in the hospital, 3 months in a wheelchair and another 3-4 months on crutches. You can read the long version here. I marvel each year as the anniversary comes along at how far things have come since that day. Most days the experience is just a distance memory, but it always seems that around this time of the year I start counting my blessings. I am grateful:To be alive! And I'm grateful that the accident didn't happen 10 weeks earlier (when I was still pregnant with my son). So glad that Aubrey and Avery had relatively mild injuries.To have had a full recovery. Makes me appreciate all the things that I can do with the body (including TWO half marathons!)For my family and friends. It was truly amazing to be lifted up by those who love us as we went through this trial.For the perspective that this time brought our lives. I don't know why it takes bad things happening to really help you to see the big picture, but I am grateful none the less.For miracles. There were so many (small and big) miracles that happened during this time. May I always be able to hold these blessings close to me. Here's to the next five yearshttp://the-keeles.blogspot.com/2010/10/five-years-ago-today.html

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